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By ObaJanuary 2025

From a failing test to calling SEAL911

This article assumes knowledge of ECDSA and familiarity with RFC6979 (see ecdsa section from the cryptobook and rfc6979). This is also my first long-form post. Any feedback will be hugely appreciated. A huge thank you to merkleplant for the support during the investigation and during the writing of this article.
*TLDR: go directly to the PoC repository, there is everything you need to understand the issue and the outcome.*

Contributing To crysol

In my free time, I like to learn about cryptography and zero knowledge. I decided to not stay in theory and wanted to contribute to an open source repository. I found crysol by merkleplant (go follow and contribute). It is a secp256k1 elliptic curve cryptography library in pure Solidity. I thought it was fun. I chose an issue and got to work. Let's take something simple to begin with, improving tests: Add test vectors from Paul Miller's noble-curves.

For context, noble-curves is an audited & minimal JS implementation of elliptic curve cryptography. This library is widely used with projects such as Metamask depending on it. This can be considered as a reference implementation. It makes sense to use the test vectors from this repo to ensure crysol has the right behavior. It seemed perfect, the tags were effort low and good first issue. The first part was indeed simple, not low effort due to edge cases but everything went well. I added the test vectors for point validity and de/encoding which led to catching a bug. Confident, I went for the second part: adding the ECDSA signatures vectors. This is where I fell in a rabbit hole.

The Failing Test

The idea of the issue is that valid noble-curves signatures should also be valid when verified with crysol which uses foundry's vm capabilities under the hood for signature generation. Both noble-curves and foundry follow RFC6979 which defines a deterministic nonce derivation procedure, ensuring that signatures for the same input are identical. Particularly, signatures from the same private key for the same message should be identical in both implementations. Now, how to verify noble-curves signatures with crysol?

The encoding of noble-curves test vectors is specific: the recovery bit is not serialized into the compact or DER format (look at the small comment in README.md). There are 4 fields:

  • description: no need for this one, we will remove it
  • d: the private key
  • m: the message hash
  • signature: the deterministic signature from the private key over the message
  "description": "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.",
  "d": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
  "m": "06ef2b193b83b3d701f765f1db34672ab84897e1252343cc2197829af3a30456",
  "signature": "33a69cd2065432a30f3d1ce4eb0d59b8ab58c74f27c41a7fdb5696ad4e6108c96f807982866f785d3f6418d24163ddae117b7db4d5fdf0071de069fa54342262"

Signatures from the test vectors are in compact format, meaning the signature consists of only the r and s fields (link to code).

describe('sign()', () => {
    should('create deterministic signatures with RFC 6979', () => {
      for (const vector of ecdsa.valid) {
        let usig = secp.sign(vector.m, vector.d);
        let sig = usig.toCompactHex();
        const vsig = vector.signature;
        deepStrictEqual(sig.slice(0, 64), vsig.slice(0, 64));
        deepStrictEqual(sig.slice(64, 128), vsig.slice(64, 128));

crysol provides libraries and types to easily implement an ECDSA signature functionality in solidity. The method we are interested in is signRaw which allows to generate an ECDSA signature using a secret key sk over a message m. Internally, it invokes foundry's vm (link to code).

 function signRaw(SecretKey sk, bytes32 m)
        returns (Signature memory)
        if (!sk.isValid()) {

        // Note that foundry's vm uses RFC-6979 for nonce derivation, ie
        // signatures are deterministic.
        uint8 v;
        bytes32 r;
        bytes32 s;
        (v, r, s) = vm.sign(sk.asUint(), m);

        Signature memory sig = Signature(v, r, s);
        // assert(!sig.isMalleable());

        return sig;

So, if both implementations follow the RFC6979, then r, s and v should be equal for any (messageHash, privateKey) instance. As we do not have access to the v value in the test vectors, I ran crysol's signRaw function on every (messageHash, privateKey) to retrieve r, s and v, verifying that the resulting r and s match those from noble-curves. Then, the only thing to do is to ensure the signatures are valid with the verify function.

// Parse the values from the test vector
uint256 parsedD = vm.parseUint(c.d);
bytes32 parsedM = vm.parseBytes32(c.m);
bytes memory parsedSignature = vm.parseBytes(c.signature);
// Retrieve r and s from noble curves
(bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = abi.decode(parsedSignature, (bytes32, bytes32));
// Sign the message with foundry with the secret key parsed
SecretKey sk = Secp256k1.secretKeyFromUint(abi.decode(parsedD, (uint)));
Signature memory signed = sk.signRaw(parsedM);
// ensure r, s are equal
assertEq(r, signed.r);
assertEq(s, signed.s);
// Verify signature from foundry which contains the v value
PublicKey memory pk = sk.toPublicKey();
assertTrue(verify(pk, parsedM, signed));

This should work as expected, right? While iterating over all 2019 vectors, 3 did not output the same r and s. Yet, they are both valid signatures! I could not understand how the signatures could be different if they both follow the same RFC6979. Here are the 3 vectors:

    hex!("0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"), // privateKey
    hex!("ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"), // msgHash

The Rabbit Hole

I began to form hypotheses:

  • At what step does the problem arise during signature generation?
  • Is there a problem in crysol? foundry is doing the signature. Is the problem in foundry then?
  • Is there a problem in noble-curves? The codebase is pretty complex and we will need to dive in.

Although both signatures passed the test and were considered valid by crysol, the fact remains that the signatures are different for the same message and private key. My gut feeling pushed me to look into the nonce k generation.

ECDSA and RFC6979

In ECDSA, a signature (r, s) is mostly a random point R on the curve that is derived from the private key and a message hash. To generate this random point, you first generate a random number k in the range [1, n - 1], n being the curve order, and multiply that by G, the generator. k * G would will give you R which is the random point. You take its x coordinates and get r.

This k is the main actor in RFC6979.

The documentation explains how to generate it deterministically. If an implementation deviates from the RFC6979, it will generate different points, and as a result, different signatures compared to other implementations. We need to ensure there is no problem in the generation of k. To address this, we will dive into different implementations to compare how this k is generated.

Foundry and RustCrypto

foundry provides cheatcodes to sign messages via ECDSA. Let's look at the sign cheatcode:

fn sign(private_key: &U256, digest: &B256) -> Result<alloy_primitives::PrimitiveSignature> {
    // The `ecrecover` precompile does not use EIP-155. No chain ID is needed.
    let wallet = parse_wallet(private_key)?;
    let sig = wallet.sign_hash_sync(digest)?;
    debug_assert_eq!(sig.recover_address_from_prehash(digest)?, wallet.address());

So, what is this wallet and what is the sign_hash_sync method? I would recommend to use VSCode with the rust analyzer plugin to study the code. Here is a summary: the wallet is an alloy LocalSigner<ecdsa::SigningKey<k256::Secp256k1>>. The alloy function sign_hash_sync calls the sign_prehash function of theecdsa package from RustCrypto. We can check how ecdsa is implemented in sign_prehash function (keeping in mind secp256k1 curve particularly):

/// Sign message prehash using a deterministic ephemeral scalar (`k`)
/// computed using the algorithm described in [RFC6979 § 3.2].
/// [RFC6979 § 3.2]: <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6979#section-3>
impl<C> PrehashSigner<Signature<C>> for SigningKey<C>
    C: PrimeCurve + CurveArithmetic + DigestPrimitive,
    Scalar<C>: Invert<Output = CtOption<Scalar<C>>> + SignPrimitive<C>,
    SignatureSize<C>: ArrayLength<u8>,
    fn sign_prehash(&self, prehash: &[u8]) -> Result<Signature<C>> {
        let z = bits2field::<C>(prehash)?;
            .try_sign_prehashed_rfc6979::<C::Digest>(&z, &[])?

Ok. Let's go a level deeper by looking at try_sign_prehashed_rfc6979

 fn try_sign_prehashed_rfc6979<D>(
        z: &FieldBytes<C>,
        ad: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<(Signature<C>, Option<RecoveryId>)>
        Self: From<ScalarPrimitive<C>> + Invert<Output = CtOption<Self>>,
        D: Digest + BlockSizeUser + FixedOutput<OutputSize = FieldBytesSize<C>> + FixedOutputReset,
        let k = Scalar::<C>::from_repr(rfc6979::generate_k::<D, _>(

        self.try_sign_prehashed::<Self>(k, z)

Nice, we found the k generation which has rfc6979 crate as a dependency:

pub fn generate_k<D, N>(
    x: &Array<u8, N>,
    q: &Array<u8, N>,
    h: &Array<u8, N>,
    data: &[u8],
) -> Array<u8, N>
    D: Digest + BlockSizeUser + FixedOutput + FixedOutputReset,
    N: ArraySize,
    let mut k = Array::default();
    generate_k_mut::<D>(x, q, h, data, &mut k);

pub fn generate_k_mut<D>(x: &[u8], q: &[u8], h: &[u8], data: &[u8], k: &mut [u8])
    D: Digest + BlockSizeUser + FixedOutput + FixedOutputReset,
    let k_len = k.len();
    assert_eq!(k_len, x.len());
    assert_eq!(k_len, q.len());
    assert_eq!(k_len, h.len());
    debug_assert!(bool::from(ct::lt(h, q)));

    let q_leading_zeros = ct::leading_zeros(q);
    let q_has_leading_zeros = q_leading_zeros != 0;
    let mut hmac_drbg = HmacDrbg::<D>::new(x, h, data);

    loop {

        if q_has_leading_zeros {
            ct::rshift(k, q_leading_zeros);

        if (!ct::is_zero(k) & ct::lt(k, q)).into() {

Ok, that's great, we now know which function is called to generate k in foundry. Let's find how noble-curves is implementing this function and compare both implementations.

Noble Curves

This implementation is more complex. Recall that the secp256k1 curve equation is y2=x3+7.y² = x³ + 7. In fact, it is expressed in an equation type called short Weierstrass equation y2=x3+ax+by^2 = x^3 + ax + b (see safecurves).

In noble-curves, there is an abstraction for this form. We can see how it is instantiated:

export const secp256k1 = createCurve(
    a: BigInt(0), // equation params: a, b
    b: BigInt(7), // Seem to be rigid: bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=289795.msg3183975#msg3183975
    Fp, // Field's prime: 2n**256n - 2n**32n - 2n**9n - 2n**8n - 2n**7n - 2n**6n - 2n**4n - 1n
    n: secp256k1N, // Curve order, total count of valid points in the field
    // Base point (x, y) aka generator point
    Gx: BigInt('55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240'),

Ok, so how do we sign a message? Let’s look at the weierstrass.ts file:

function sign(
  msgHash: Hex,
  privKey: PrivKey,
  opts = defaultSigOpts
): RecoveredSignature {
  const { seed, k2sig } = prepSig(msgHash, privKey, opts); // Steps A, D of RFC6979 3.2.
  const C = CURVE;
  const drbg =
    ut.createHmacDrbg <
    RecoveredSignature >
    (C.hash.outputLen, C.nByteLength, C.hmac);
  return drbg(seed, k2sig); // Steps B, C, D, E, F, G

The function sign depends on 2 functions: prepSig and createHmacDrbg. Let’s take a step back. We omitted to explain how exactly the k is generated from a theoretical standpoint. It is obtained by feeding the private key sk and message m into HMAC-DRGB (Deterministic Random Bit Generator) which is specified in NIST SP 800-90A. The formula from RFC6979:

     K = HMAC_K(V || 0x00 || int2octets(x) || bits2octets(h1))

     where '||' denotes concatenation.  In other words, we compute
     HMAC with key K, over the concatenation of the following, in
     order: the current value of V, a sequence of eight bits of value
     0, the encoding of the (EC)DSA private key x, and the hashed
     message (possibly truncated and extended as specified by the
     bits2octets transform)

How is it implemented in noble-curves? After reading the code I do not know how many times, I understood that the seed from the prepSig function is in fact the concatenation of the values we want for the input of the HMAC (link to code).

const h1int = bits2int_modN(msgHash);
const d = normPrivateKeyToScalar(privateKey); // validate private key, convert to bigint
const seedArgs = [int2octets(d), int2octets(h1int)];
// extraEntropy. RFC6979 3.6: additional k' (optional).
if (ent != null && ent !== false) {
  // K = HMAC_K(V || 0x00 || int2octets(x) || bits2octets(h1) || k')
  const e = ent === true ? randomBytes(Fp.BYTES) : ent; // generate random bytes OR pass as-is
  seedArgs.push(ensureBytes("extraEntropy", e)); // check for being bytes
const seed = ut.concatBytes(...seedArgs); // Step D of RFC6979 3.2

Back to k, what function is called to generate it? Generating the nonce is straightforward, we simply need to instantiate the HMAC-DRBG by calling the createHmacDrbg function.

 * Minimal HMAC-DRBG from NIST 800-90 for RFC6979 sigs.
 * @returns function that will call DRBG until 2nd arg returns something meaningful
 * @example
 *   const drbg = createHmacDRBG<Key>(32, 32, hmac);
 *   drbg(seed, bytesToKey); // bytesToKey must return Key or undefined
export function createHmacDrbg<T>(
  hashLen: number,
  qByteLen: number,
  hmacFn: (key: Uint8Array, ...messages: Uint8Array[]) => Uint8Array
): (seed: Uint8Array, predicate: Pred<T>) => T {
  if (typeof hashLen !== 'number' || hashLen < 2) throw new Error('hashLen must be a number');
  if (typeof qByteLen !== 'number' || qByteLen < 2) throw new Error('qByteLen must be a number');
  if (typeof hmacFn !== 'function') throw new Error('hmacFn must be a function');
  // Step B, Step C: set hashLen to 8*ceil(hlen/8)
  let v = u8n(hashLen); // Minimal non-full-spec HMAC-DRBG from NIST 800-90 for RFC6979 sigs.
  let k = u8n(hashLen); // Steps B and C


The comments help clarify how to create an instance of the HMAC-DRGB and, by extension, how to generate k. To get here, as I am far from fluent in js/ts, it was long.

Ok, that's great, we now know which function is called to generate k in noble-curves.

Eth Keys

If the two implementations produce different output, which is the correct one? That’s where eth-keys from the Ethereum Foundation comes into play as a reference implementation. This Python implementation is easy to understand, and finding how to generate the nonce k was quick.

def deterministic_generate_k(
    msg_hash: bytes,
    private_key_bytes: bytes,
    digest_fn: Callable[[], Any] = hashlib.sha256,
) -> int:
    v_0 = b"\x01" * 32
    k_0 = b"\x00" * 32

    k_1 = hmac.new(
        k_0, v_0 + b"\x00" + private_key_bytes + msg_hash, digest_fn
    v_1 = hmac.new(k_1, v_0, digest_fn).digest()
    k_2 = hmac.new(
        k_1, v_1 + b"\x01" + private_key_bytes + msg_hash, digest_fn
    v_2 = hmac.new(k_2, v_1, digest_fn).digest()

    kb = hmac.new(k_2, v_2, digest_fn).digest()
    k = big_endian_to_int(kb)
    return k

We now have everything we need to compare those k and confirm (or not) if my gut feeling was correct. Let's write some code to test this.

The PoC

The idea is to run tests of problematic vectors in all three implementations and compare not only the resulting k, but also the inversion of k and computation of R (in case the problem lies in other parts of the signature computation). The code below is a modified version from the repo for the PoC to get the idea.

// noble-curves
const k = drbg(concatBytes(test.privateKey, test.message), (bytes) => {
    const num = bytesToNumberBE(bytes);
    if (num <= 0n || num >= CURVE.n) return;
    return num;
}) as bigint;
console.log('k:', k.toString(16));
const kInv = invert(k, CURVE.n);
console.log('k_inv:', kInv.toString(16));
const R = Point.BASE.multiply(k);
console.log('Rx:', R.toAffine().x.toString(16));

// eth-keys
private_key_scalar = bytes.fromhex(test["private_key"])
message = bytes.fromhex(test["message"])
k = deterministic_generate_k(message, private_key_scalar)
print(f"k: {hex(k)}")
k_inv = inv(k, N)
print(f"k_inv: {hex(k_inv)}")
R = fast_multiply(G, k)
print(f"Rx: {hex(R[0])}")

// RustCrypto
let k =
    generate_k::<Sha256, U32>(&private_key.into(), &modulus.into(), &message.into(), b"");
println!("k: {}", hex::encode(k));
let k = Scalar::from_repr(k).unwrap();
let k_inv = k.invert();
println!("k_inv: {}", hex::encode(k_inv.unwrap().to_repr()));
let big_r = ProjectivePoint::mul_by_generator(&k).to_affine();
println!("Rx: {}", hex::encode(big_r.x()));

Let’s launch and see the results:

Test vector: {'private_key': 'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364140', 'message': 'fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141'}

// RustCrypto, eth-keys and noble-curves output the same thing
k: 0xd5707f5502c771172f3b33b4042f5b14042c4365e0ba99d9b0f44f2639059457
k_inv: 0x2ca3f669b3b3a59a36ac422465678bc24a29ae6418dbe399b65de714369d1b43
Rx: 0xccedf9058419be4bf0d0aaf55b20072bcf6acb16621ac4ab90a3ed20b83a85ce

Why is k the same in all 3 implementations? Let’s compare the functions sign to ensure we are not crazy:

// RustCrypto and eth-keys
r: 0xccedf9058419be4bf0d0aaf55b20072bcf6acb16621ac4ab90a3ed20b83a85ce;
s: 0x6c2444f18d6069e828b3ce0e4e5f2f20a2d7e701042bb4bf9361b228f0091ac6;

// noble-curves
r: 0x919026f3e239ea52cf530eb6d345dc2b56ef0928f1e9ad20d8f360284dc65048;
s: 0x14395e7137e2204f15b69239010f3c34fbb3c858a29b0d106b1fa65bc0047263;

Where is the problem then? Why are these k values identical across the three implementations in PoC, but the signature is different for noble-curves?

The root cause

In fact, after diving again in the code, the problem lies in the input of the HMAC function and the message hash particularly: for noble-curves it is reduced mod curve order but for RustCrypto and eth-keys, it is not!

// noble-curves
const h1int = bits2int_modN(msgHash); // <- msgHash is modN !
const d = normPrivateKeyToScalar(privateKey);
const seedArgs = [int2octets(d), int2octets(h1int)]; // <-  passed to the seed for HMAC

// eth-keys
k = deterministic_generate_k(msg_hash, private_key_bytes) // <- the msgHash is used directly

// RustCrypto
let k = Scalar::<C>::from_repr(rfc6979::generate_k::<D, _>(
    z,                             // <- the msgHash is used directly

And now, realizing that the 3 problematic vectors defined earlier have a message hash greater or equal to the curve order n = fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141 you understand that it will generate different inputs after reducing them mod n. Why wasn’t this discrepancy reflected in the PoC? It was a bit naive as the inputs were not preprocessed, we passed the same input values.

So, you have 3 really important libraries that do not respect a critical RFC. What do you do? What are the implication of this finding?

Calling SEAL911

After contacting SEAL911, @pcaversaccio responded in under 5min. Discussing with @paulmillr, he raised a point I overlooked: the input of the HMAC function is the message hash but passing through the bits2octetsfunction.

 K = HMAC_K(V || 0x01 || int2octets(x) || ***bits2octets***(h1))

By looking into the definition of bits2octets, it is clear that the message hash needs to be reduced before the k generation.

2.3.4.  Bit String to Octet String

   The bits2octets transform takes as input a sequence of blen bits and
   outputs a sequence of rlen bits.  It consists of the following steps:

   1.  The input sequence b is converted into an integer value z1
       through the bits2int transform:

          z1 = bits2int(b)

   2.  z1 is reduced modulo q, yielding z2 (an integer between 0 and
       q-1, inclusive):

          z2 = z1 mod q

This is exactly what noble-curves does. In fact, it is RustCrypto and eth-key that are missing this step, deviating from the RFC specs. This led to creating issues on repositories of libraries affected by this finding.

RustCrypto has already implemented the fix on the master branch but has not yet release it. foundry is still using the tag ecdsa/0.16.9 which is affected by the issue. A tracking issue was created. Although it is not a security vulnerability in the sense of forgeable signature or the like, the issue remains that the signature is not deterministic in all cases.


This was a long post but it reflected how I went from a simple test to finding an implementation issue in major cryptographic libraries. It was really interesting to deep dive into those codebases and deepen my understanding about the nonce generation in ECDSA.

And most importantly, at last, I can finish my PR.

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